Sync your Siberian App users with WordPress and vice versa seemlesslly,configure the module and let the syncing user happen automatically,


  • When user creates account on App , same account is created in wordpress too.
  • When user  tries to register on App with WordPress user credentials, it throws an error as user already exists.
  • When user tries to sign in on App with WordPress user credentials , account get’s synced and user log in is successful in the App.
  • When user changes password in App , password is changed in wordpress side too.
  • If user changes password on wordpress site and then tries to login in app with new password, it works automatically and changes are saved in app side too.
  • Translation is included for all the texts.

Note :
1. Once user logs in the app , he won’t be logged into wordpress site too as both have different context and sessions, only credentials are synced and he can use same credentials to login to any side they want.
2.If you want to integrate siberian with your third party website, you can use our Webhooks Module


Installation is simple , go to backoffice -> settings -> module and intall the package as regular module.

