Mercadopago payment gateway integration for Commerce Pro

Mercadopago Payment Gateway addon integrated with Commerce Pro and Booking Pro. It will also work with the Subscription module as a one-off payment option. It will add a new gateway …

From €699.00

Reports Addon for Commerce Pro

Reports addon will add various sales-related reporting and the option to download data as CSV. Features Find out who is your best Customer with sales reports Get all your orders …

From €349.00

Split Marketplace Payment – Iyzipay Gateway addon

This addon allows you to split payments to different vendors automatically. You must have Commerce Pro  and below addons to make this work. Core payments gateway Iyzipay Gateway addon   …

From €599.00

Iyzipay Payment Gateway addon

Iyzipay Payment Gateway addon integrated with Commerce Pro and Booking Pro. It will add new gateway to store edit page and can be used independently for each store in multi …

From €599.00

Bulk Order Management Addon for Commerce Pro

Bulk Order Module This is addon for Commerce Pro Module and it allows user to place order in bulk from commerce pro and thenn request desired quantity of items when …

From €199.00

PayFast Integration

This addon integrates Payfast payment gateway into commerce pro as new payment method and supports multi store mode.   You need to have Commerce Pro and Core Payment Gateway Addon to use …

From €299.00

CRM Module

This module allows you to create Full Fledge CRM functionality using multiple awesome forms with relation ship. This is the most flexible module which allows you to define templates to …

From €999.00

BillPlz – Custom Payment Gateway Addon for Commerce Pro

This addons allows you to use BillPlz paymant gateway for commerce Pro.   You need to have commerce Pro and Core Payment Gateway Addon to use this module.

From €99.00

Custom Payment Gateway Core for Commerce Pro

This addon allows you to install additonal custom payment gateways to commerce pro on top of Paypal/Stripe

From €139.00